Elevating Care through Strategic Healthcare Professional Onboarding

Healthcare managers and supervisors often face pressure to quickly onboard and train new healthcare professionals, but the process can be challenging. 


Consider a scenario where Sam is the director of human resources for a growing healthcare operator that provides assisted living services. The organization is expanding rapidly, and Sam's team of site managers needs to hire new healthcare professionals and train them across multiple sites to keep up with the increasing operating goals. However, they are facing challenges such as limited time, resources, and tools and are still figuring out how to address the increase in new employees. This is a common problem faced by healthcare directors and hiring managers/supervisors, regardless of the organization's size and number of facilities. 


Supporting the growth of healthcare operators requires more than just hiring additional healthcare professionals. The real challenge lies in effectively onboarding, training, developing, and empowering new staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, behaviors, and resources. Maintaining high standards of care and addressing the influx of new employees requires more than traditional training methods. To achieve this, it becomes essential to cultivate a learning culture. By embracing a learning culture, healthcare organizations can enhance their onboarding processes, encourage continuous professional development, and ensure that their workforce is equipped to meet today's demands and prepared for tomorrow's challenges. 


Why Does an Effective New Employee Onboarding Tool Matter? 

An effective new employee onboarding program is essential for any organization. Without it, new hires can take several months to become productive, a major problem. Why does it matter? 

  1. It Increases Employee Confidence

    Firstly, it increases employee confidence. Proper training and resources are crucial for boosting the confidence of new hires and ensuring their success. This is particularly important in the healthcare industry, where confident facility staff are more likely to provide better care and increase resident satisfaction.

  2. It Decreases “On the Floor” Errors

    Secondly, investing in new employee onboarding can decrease on-the-floor errors. Staff members who need more confidence may become easily discouraged and give up when faced with new or challenging situations, leading to increased errors and incidents. Providing new employees with proper onboarding can help boost their confidence and productivity on the job. 

How Can a New Employee Onboarding Learning Solution Help? 

A learning management solution for onboarding new employees can help facility staff manage and simplify onboarding processes. This tool provides training and collects, organizes, and shares the necessary training materials, resources, and information new employees require. Do you remember Sam, who was struggling to onboard an increasing number of new hires across multiple sites? Well, they successfully solved this challenge by implementing a learning management system for their team of site managers and hiring managers. This system enabled them to easily manage, collect, assess, and reinforce the growing number of new hires. Thanks to AHIQ's learning management system, training and supporting new hires has never been easier. 

  1.  Build a Knowledge Base

    With the right learning management system (LMS), Sam can create a centralized knowledge base. This knowledge base will help new facility staff access all the necessary information and resources for new hires. These resources include employee handbooks, policy documents, custom material, state compliance courses, and more.

    By using AHIQ’s LMS, Sam, and the site hiring managers no longer have to worry about coordinating in-person training sessions or repeating themselves during one-on-one meetings. Additionally, staff can complete and document competency tests and attestation forms in one place.

  2. Be Up to Date on Compliance Requirements

    Employee onboarding can be challenging, especially when keeping new facility staff informed about the latest organization policies and state compliance certification training. However, managing, monitoring, completing tasks, and more onboarding requirements can be made more accessible with the help of a Learning Management System (LMS). Sam, the hiring manager, can use the LMS to manage necessary certification courses and keep track of historical and real-time compliance reports and documentation. This way, the new facility staff can be easily updated and kept up-to-date with the latest information.

  3. Competency Compliance Skills Made Easy

    Sam has improved the employee onboarding process by using a Learning Management System (LMS) that offers on-demand video training on common healthcare topics. Previously, hiring managers had to schedule in-person training sessions to teach these skills, which took them away from other important tasks. Now, new employees can complete the online skill-based training, and their managers can observe if they have correctly acquired the skills and mark them off in the LMS using a mobile device. This has made the onboarding process more effective and efficient. 


In order to ensure the success of a healthcare organization, it is crucial to have a well-executed new employee onboarding program. This program can significantly impact the growth and satisfaction of residents by shortening the time to productivity, boosting employee engagement, and increasing new employee confidence. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize new employee onboarding to set up facility staff for success. 


Learn more about what AHIQ's Learning Management System can provide your new hires!


Leveraging Innovative Training Methods for Healthcare Professionals


5 Significant Advantages of Cultivating a Learning Culture in the Workplace for Healthcare Professionals